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This form was developed to help you set more objective, timely goals and to strategically develop your vision for your business. 


1. Golden Circle

Captura de Tela 2023-02-17 às 15.13.43.png

This tool explores from the outside in and helps discover the purpose of the brand. We can consider it a “communication structure”. In between, we have why. The second sphere is the “how” and the third sphere is the “what”. When these 3 parts are in balance, we can say, with clarity and certainty, “We know who we are” and “We know what we are fighting for”.

Instructions: Start with the “What” writing on sticky notes and see how unsatisfactory the result will be, then redo the operation starting with the “Why” and see how you won't need to explain what you do, because your purpose will be solid and of value.

2. Target Audience


1. Search for information in your sales history, see similarities, what appears frequently, hit age, location, purchase favorites. 

2. Segment your audience and group according to similar behaviors. 

3. TARGET PUBLIC IS MORE COMPREHENSIVE THAN DEFINED BETWEEN “18 AND 65 YEARS OLD”. If the age is comprehensive, go back to number 2 and group by what is similar, so the communication will be directed to each type of age and consumer profile. 

3. Visual References

The search for references is a fundamental part of the development of the visual identity.

Sites to search:

Thank you very much)!

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